(Credit: Chris Lee)
指揮大師馬捷爾 (Lorin Maazel) ,出名乾淨俐落,綵排效率極高,換來的音樂卻缺乏了感動人心的要素。(我想了很久也想不到我有那一張唱片是由他指揮,連協奏曲也沒有,連 MP3 也沒有...... 我應該覺得慚愧嗎?)上次他率領意大利托斯卡尼尼青年樂團到訪柏克萊,我現場親睹大師風采,換來的失望,和今次不遑多讓。我很想問大師:為何樂句總是早了一丁點的開始?總是快了一丁點的完結?為什麼那一丁點,就奪去了音樂的感動?
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4 則留言:
Wow, 好深奧啊!
The "New World" symphony is not an American composition, but a European one written "From the New World". But what actually is "American"? Philip Roth, a Jew growing up in America, listened to these lines from "My country 'tis of thee" (sung to to the tune of God Save the Queen) with some bewilderment: "Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims' pride". This is certainly not the land of Barack Obama, or perhaps even Hillary Clinton.
You are right. The "New World" Symphony is not an American composition. It is the appreciation of the New World from a foreigner's perspective. It still reinforces the American pride.
Having spent 6 years in this nation, I seem to understand only a tiny bit of what America is like. It's time I should pick up a good American history book.
There is a bit of "indigenous" America in the American Quartet. The tune in the trio of the scherzo is said to be an Iowa bird song which Dvorak heard when spending some time with a Czech community in that state.
My late eldest brother used to live in Akron, Ohio. My sister-in-law described herself as "a hill-billy from West Virginia". The people I met in Ohio regarded California almost as a foreign country.