去年三月聽柏拉雅 (Murray Perahia) 的鋼琴獨奏會,全晚演出最精采最熾熱的竟然是開場曲--巴赫的鋼琴組曲 (Partita) 第二號 BWV 826,高貴的氣質令我念念不忘。故此看到柏拉雅本星期新鮮出爐的唱片是鋼琴組曲第二至四號,二話不說即撲到唱片舖購買(古典樂迷甚少搶購新碟的)。
現在要好好地聽鋼琴上的巴赫有點難度,首先鋼琴為古樂學術派所鄙棄,再者聽眾怕悶喜歡古靈精怪的鋼琴版,例如怪傑顧爾德 (Glenn Gould) 反而成了標準。自柏拉雅的獨奏會,我聽了阿格麗希 (Martha Argerich) 、杜蕾克 (Rosalyn Tureck) 和顧爾德同一樂曲的錄音,阿格麗希脫韁,顧爾德求其,杜蕾克穩固,偏找不到與柏拉雅近似的演繹:雍容華貴卻帶著適量的熱情和火花。
從前柏拉雅主攻浪漫樂風,自手部受傷,他從巴赫的音樂中找到慰藉。康復後推出包括郭德登堡變奏曲 (Goldberg Variations) 的一系列巴赫作品,好評如潮,成為巴赫權威。華貴的聲音背後,可否聽到他內心的平靜和諧?
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6 則留言:
if u did purchase the ticket, can you ask for a refund? - ariana
I didn't find out. Yet Yuja Wang is a wonderful pianist, and Marriner is also a wonderful conductor, so it is still worth it.
Beside D Mak, Murray Perahia is most handsome pianist la! o^-^o
This is the most hilarious comment I have ever seen on this blog...
Frankly, the first time I saw Perahia, I thought, "Why does he look so weird?"
Somewhat confused. What is the message? Interpretation 1: compared with Dickson, Murray Perahia is the most handsome pianist etc. (Unflattering, also not true, in my opinion.) Interpretation 2: Dickson is No.1 handsome pianist etc. Murray is only No.2. Disagree: Dickson is much better looking. The other guy is a weirdo. Ever read "Seven Types of Ambiguity" by William Empson?
Yuja Wang plus Sir Neville Marriner conducting St Martin-in-the-Fields would be totally worth it too! Yuja seems to have a knack of subbing for the masters, and Marriner is getting old so we better hear him while we can! :P