九月十六號晚,Ijji Sushi。
我:「可能係食評家呢。」 七個人嘅壽司吧枱,坐住三對男女,再加上獨食女,就坐喺我哋兩夫婦左面。
總廚Billy Kong招呼我個邊嘅五個人。獨食女介紹自己剛啱喺香港搬嚟三藩市。見佢叫咗 wine pairing,自酌自飲。
食到第九碟,可能飲咗三杯,佢一路擺舊肥拖羅入口一路對住我哋笑:"It's so good! I was waiting for this!" 搞到我唔係好欣賞到舊肥拖羅。
見獨食女咁熱情想傾偈,我哋就講起我哋係香港人,嚟慶祝生B。佢聽到好興奮,又話喺香港生活咗五年,住紅磡,好鍾意香港,又方便又多嘢食又有山有水,係佢去過公幹嘅城市裡面最特別嘅。嗰一刻,好想撳個share button俾香港嘅朋友睇。
講起香港,心裡面梗係感觸嘅。獨食女問我哋最掛住香港乜嘢食,Joan話蛋撻奶茶,我話麥太嘅味道。其實有乜嘢係唔變嘅呢,喺香港如果見到舊路牌舊舖頭竟然同細個一樣,係奇跡,要影低佢。社區變好,會掛住唔見咗嘅人情味;民風變差,會緬懷失去嘅公義良知。 「我最難忘係雨傘運動...」獨食女講到興起,師傅遞上食物,都要閘住咁cut入嚟介紹。我哋都覺得有少少煩,又冇得專心望師傅切魚,不過佢又咁想講,就由佢講。「我妹妹做記者,帶過我去睇佢哋搭營,唱歌,做功課,有見到反Cy Leung (佢真係讀 "psy leung")嘅畫,宣揚佢哋嘅意念。成件事好 hippie,好感動人!」聽到呢度,我仲感觸... 跟住又返返去食嘢話題,榴槤火龍果乜乜乜。去到呢度啲嘢食都serve完,師傅嘅神色都輕鬆好多,食客講嘢都大聲啲。最好笑係獨食女話唔知chinatown有冇榴槤賣,個幫廚搭訕話有。嗰刻好想同佢講,你可以搭車搭船搭棚搭枱,但唔好搭訕!
侍應走嚟話:「獨食女已經埋咗你哋張單喇,佢叫我喺佢走之前都唔好講。」 雖然我wing wing哋,都同joan一齊擘大個口。美國人嘅 Random Act of Kindness,總算見識過。
Kid's Menu - spaghetti napolitan
The first time I heard of this dish called "spaghetti napolitan" in the Japanese TV drama "Quartet," I kept thinking I had never seen this dish in my Italian cookbooks! Why does Napoli have its own spaghetti dish? Later I realized it is really a Japanese dish, made with ketchup instead of fresh tomatoes. Blasphemous? Yes it is, but my kid loves it anyway.
My son and I went to school today only finding out it was CLOSED! So I stayed home, watched him and made lunch out of nothing. Ketchup, olive oil, salt, pecorino cheese, cherry tomatoes. He finished it without wasting any time. #sebastianapproved
Updates 9/29:
I found out the Italian tomato sauce thing is called tomato sauce, marinara sauce, neapolitan sauce, pomodoro sauce, etc, depending on where you are from. The most famous San Marzano tomatoes are from the region of Naples, thus the connection to Neapolitan style. And then there is an imitation of the sauce using ketchup in Japan and Hong Kong, and this style is called Napolitan in Japan.
Basketball is Unforgiving
Basketball is Unforgiving.
On the court, you are stripped naked in front of everybody. People can see right through you.
Every movement by every player is observed, magnified, assessed by teammates, opponents, coaches, spectators. Second by second.
Did you see the court clearly before you made that pass?
What were you thinking when you took that bad shot?
How could you miss that layup?
Why did you not take that wide open shot?
Were you scared?
Everyone's goal is to win the game. If you are the weakest defender, your opponent attacks you. If you turn over the ball once, your teammates don't let you touch the ball. If you make the same mistake again, your coach puts you on the bench.
Why? In a game with time limit, a team has only a number of possessions, and cannot afford to lose any. Everyone is making decisions to maximize the chance of winning.
Nothing personal. Very unforgiving. You are lucky to have a second chance. Don't even hope for a third.
What should I do if that happens? You may ask.
Redeem yourself.
If you miss that layup, run back and hustle on defense.
If it is not your shooting night, drive to the rim and pass to open teammate.
Jump higher and rebound that missed shot.
Contribute in other ways.
Prove that you should stay in the lineup and you will make the next layup.
Or redeem yourself in the next game. Go practice in the gym, and improve your skills.
Basketball is a game with clearly written rules. It is simpler than most things in life.
You deserve a second chance. Only if you earn it.
On the court, you are stripped naked in front of everybody. People can see right through you.
Every movement by every player is observed, magnified, assessed by teammates, opponents, coaches, spectators. Second by second.
Did you see the court clearly before you made that pass?
What were you thinking when you took that bad shot?
How could you miss that layup?
Why did you not take that wide open shot?
Were you scared?
Everyone's goal is to win the game. If you are the weakest defender, your opponent attacks you. If you turn over the ball once, your teammates don't let you touch the ball. If you make the same mistake again, your coach puts you on the bench.
Why? In a game with time limit, a team has only a number of possessions, and cannot afford to lose any. Everyone is making decisions to maximize the chance of winning.
Nothing personal. Very unforgiving. You are lucky to have a second chance. Don't even hope for a third.
What should I do if that happens? You may ask.
Redeem yourself.
If you miss that layup, run back and hustle on defense.
If it is not your shooting night, drive to the rim and pass to open teammate.
Jump higher and rebound that missed shot.
Contribute in other ways.
Prove that you should stay in the lineup and you will make the next layup.
Or redeem yourself in the next game. Go practice in the gym, and improve your skills.
Basketball is a game with clearly written rules. It is simpler than most things in life.
You deserve a second chance. Only if you earn it.
Hong Kong style egg tart
This makes 12 egg tarts in muffin pans.
Flaky Tart Dough per Julia Child
Flaky Tart Dough per Julia Child
- 2 cups AP flour
- 7 ounces (1 3/4 stick) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/3 cup ice-cold water
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup hot water
- 1/2 cup evaporated milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
[最感動我的貝多芬慢板之一 - 第九交響曲]
貝九的慢板是昇華了的"themes and variations",兩個主題毫無違和的配合,變調,過渡。告訴你:生活有點苦,但我明白。
Chailly 加上頂尖現代樂團參考古樂演繹,這個錄音是快得最完美的貝九。
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