


謝謝拉小提琴的 Psyche 、作曲的 Austin 、Eugene 、德布西、拉威爾、浦朗克、辛勞籌辦的 EAI 各位及支持我們的眾多觀眾朋友!

- 練習四個月的辛酸 T_T
- 單張和場刊是 Billy + Eugene + 我精心炮製──去觀塘的次數可不少!
- Kawai 三角琴音色真不錯!我心中的德布西和拉威爾都出來了。
- 早上練習時的德布西較剔透,但表演時的 ayip 和拉威爾令我熱血沸騰。
- 常餐 x ?
- 2:50pm Eugene + Psyche + 我的「流利」法語對話
- "J'aime beaucoup la musique de Debussy !"
- ayip 的作品介紹一分鐘
- 拉威爾第一樂章快完結時的 Kero Kero 鈴聲
- 梁宇正作品中段以後的聲音
- 是第一次看到自己音樂會的評論呢

以下是轉載自本地古典音樂新聞組 Vincent Lau 的評論:

Red, White, Blue - French Chamber Music
Ensemble ad Infinitum
Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre
Jan 1, 2007

This is my first encounter with the Ensemble ad Infinitum, which was formed
by a group of classical music-loving friends in 2002 prior to their entering
various universities in Hong Kong and abroad. Its programme for this
afternoon concert is quite interesting: 3 masterpieces of the French chamber
music repertoire, namely the Violin Sonatas of Debussy and Ravel as well as
Poulenc's Sextet, were given together with 2 pieces that were receiving
their world premiere - Austin Yip's Insomnia and Eugene Leung's Many
hours of agony boiled down to a ten-minute sketch

Yip's piece, scored for violin and piano, is alternatively evocative and
angst-ridden, and, as can be gleaned from its title, is a description of the
brain activity of a person racked by sleeplessness. While conceived in an
atonal idiom, it's nevertheless quite accessible. Leung's work, scored for
xylophone and wind quintet, begins in chaos and cacophony but whose
instrumental texture, constructed basically out of scales passages, is
gradually pared down until the music finally evaporates into nothingness.
Both received committed and eloquent performances from the young performers.

Although the members of the Ensemble ad Infinitum are not professional
musicians, their performances were never less than accomplished. And if
their playing was lacking in the ultimate sense of technical polish, they
were able to compensate with their dedication, youthful vigour and joy in
the music-making. Besides, they're willing to take musical risks and, most
important of all for a concert of this nature, there was always a keen sense
of rapport between them.

The first half of the concert (Debussy/Yip/Ravel) featured violinist Psyche
Loui and pianist Dickson Mak. Loui was rather hesitant in the Debussy and
she took some time to warm up. However, by the time of the Ravel, her
playing was full of verve and was further spiced up by some charming jazzy
inflections. As her partner, Mak displayed a superb level of pianism and an
infallible sense of musicianship that was really admirable.

The second half (Leung/Poulenc) saw the performance of percussionist
Alexander Tang, who led the wind quintet of Lisa Ho (flute), Hiu-fai Law
(oboe), Aaron Ying (clarinet), Eric So (horn) and Sidney Lau (bassoon) in
their traversal of Eugene Leung's eclectic composition. The 5 wind
instrumentalists then teamed up with Leung at the piano to present an
ebullient account of the Poulenc, which drew the concert to a satisfactory

Although the ticket price was cheap - just HK$30 - there's a well-edited
house programme fronted by a smartly-designed cover, evidently the work of
the Ensemble's multi-talented young musicians. Those who wish to know more
about them, as well as their past and future concerts, can take a look at
the Ensemble's website: http://claying.net/ensemble.

